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Our English team is getting reinforcement in the shape of James Blackwell – our new guy in sales

With over ten years’ experience in sales from, among others, Tesco Mobile and Telefonica, James will be a valuable part of our team in UK and Ireland.

””I’m looking forward to the challenge the role brings and I’m eager to get out of my comfort zone, learning and gain new skills along the way,” says James when asked how he views his new role in sales on Compilator. ”It was simply time for a change and Compilator seemed like a company where I get the opportunity to grow,” he continues.

James loves to read and he keeps himself up to date with current affairs in the world. When he is not reading (or working) you would most likely find him in the stands at a football game with one or more of his seven siblings and even if he is not a competing swimmer no more, he likes to jump into the deep end of the pool from time to time.

We are very excited to have James on board as part of the team at Compilator and look forward to great discussions about both football and world events.

Verkkoliiketoiminnan asiantuntijoita hankitaan rengasalalle

Verkkoliiketoiminnan asiantuntijoita hankitaan rengasalalle

Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS) on ostanut Silkmothin, ja laajentaa näin KCS:n tarjontaa ajoneuvoalan ohjelmistoja ja verkkokaupparatkaisuja Isossa-Britannian ja Euroopan rengaskaupassa. Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS), on globaali liiketoimintajärjestelmien ja...

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