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Our customers have one thing in common. They want their business systems to simplify their daily lives and reduce administrative work.

With our services, you can put the administrative work aside and focus on your actual tasks. We have several smart add-ons that simplify your everyday life and increase your profitability. One of these smart add-ons is Cloud Invoicing.

Compilator’s Cloud Invoicing is a digital all-in-one system that handles paper, PDF and electronic invoices. The service comes with several advantages: With Cloud Invoicing, you do not have to print, sort and frank invoices. The manual labour of physical letters is replaced by electronic invoices sent directly to the customer. Not only will you be able to focus on more important things, you’ll also simplify your customer’s administration – which benefits everyone.


Cloud invoicing is a network that makes your business easier. Our solutions ensure secure and automatic communication around orders, invoices and other business documents.

The benefits of Cloud Invoicing

A digitised invoice management
With our digital invoicing system, you don’t have to spend time on manual invoice management.

Save time and increase efficiency
You save a lot of time with Cloud Invoicing as you never have to think about how to invoice a customer – the system takes care of that itself.

Save on paper – and help the environment
Letters and paper invoices are a real environmental villain, thanks to our solution, almost 200,000 trees are saved every year. With Cloud Invoicing, you can do your bit for the environment, while earning more money.

Get started with Cloud Invoicing today. Contact us and we’ll tell you more!

Other add-ons that increase your efficiency with DD5

Compilator consists of a number of dedicated employees who are passionate about ensuring that you and your business get the most out of DD5. Our support team will help you with all questions regarding the system and its peripheral products.


Fortnox offers a cloud-based platform so that small businesses and accounting firms can manage their finances and administration efficiently. The platform is the market leader in Sweden. It also gives customers access to financial services and business insurance. Fortnox was founded in 2001 and has its headquarters in Växjö. Fortnox is linked to DD5.


There are constantly new requirements from the legislator and we are at the forefront for your safety. With DD5 you get a cash register with integrated credit card terminal certified by the Swedish Tax Agency. DD5 can help you reconcile the cash register, deposit the money in the bank or handle expenses. We co-operate with Nets, BABS and Verifone.

Adyen betalterminaler

The next generation payment solution is here! With our payment terminals, you get the market’s sharpest solution fully integrated into DD5 and without installation in your computer. Pay with blipp, Smart watch and card in a smooth way. Our terminals are connected directly to the Internet via WiFi, USB or mobile (4G).

Book a free demo!

Simply fill in the form
Or call us +44 (0) 1822 855 466
We will get in touch and set up a demo!

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