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Dekk1 chooses Compilator as their new supplier of business- and e-commerce system

Compilator enters into an agreement with one of Norway’s largest tyre chains, Dekk1. All Dekk1’s branches will use Compilators software solution for handling – among other things – their tyre hotels, warehouses, finances and bookings. Compilator will also provide Dekk1’s with a new e-commerce platform.

Dekk1 is part of the Nordic Tyre Group and has a footprint across Norway, Sweden and Finland focused on selling quality tyres and rims from some of the world’s leading brands.
Dekk1 began operations in 2007 and has since grown steadily with state-of-the-art stores and workshops throughout Norway. Their goal is to become Norway’s largest leading independent tyre chain.

“We put a lot of work into finding the right supplier and felt that Compilator checked every single box for us. There was simply put no other system that could meet all our requirements and that offered the support we requested, ”says Bjørn Hellvik who is CEO of Dekk1.

Compilator has for many years been the market leader in Scandinavia and Northern Europe with its popular software system. With headquarters in the city of Malmö in the south of Sweden and offices in Finland and in the UK, a team of 40 people is developing and assisting customers providing a software solution helping them to focus on the business instead of administration.

”To constantly keep up with the ever changing tyre business and further develop our product to meet the needs of all our customers has been our recipe for success since we opened up for business in 1995.”, says Anders Paulcén, who himself has a history in the tyre industry. He continues ”For us, it was an honor that Dekk1 chose us and we stand ready to meet the challenge to help Dekk1 and their 23 branches to grow their business and work more smoothly.”

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